Hello and welcome to Grammarsaurus.co.uk!
Our website's origin dates back to 2016 - the year of the cursed overhaul of the KS2 SATs. Why did it begin? To help teachers better understand the new requirements for spelling, punctuation and grammar, let alone the ever-changing writing framework.
Have things changed at all? Yes! I suppose they have. We now offer more than just writing and SPaG resources. We've expanded to all curriculum areas and we are extremely proud of the high quality resources we offer.
Why are we different to competitors? That's quite an easy one actually! Our resource makers and team, except Sian, are all practising teachers. We teach every single day. That means we're not out of touch! The things we make are real and relevant to the ever-changing world of primary education. That's something I think is very special and it is definitely something that should be celebrated.
What are my favourite resources? We have many hidden gems on our website. I personally love the model texts - they have been written by trained writing moderators and the annotated versions are a great reminder as to why the piece achieves the expected standard for that year group. I also, personally, love the science resources (I can say that as I didn't make them). They're so well thought out and each unit of work has an assessment, vocabulary bank, cover sheet for books, challenges, next steps, investigations and more! I really don't think there's anything out there quite like it and I'm super proud to have them on Grammarsaurus.
So what's next for us and for you? Well, if you've been bored enough to read this far. Firstly, thanks! ;) Our next steps are to continue to offer quality resources for a reasonable price. We've recently hired more resource designers to release even more content.
So, in short, if you're looking for high-quality resources at an affordable price, then please subscribe. Our Facebook community and what we stand for reflects teachers today. That will never ever leave our site and that's why I'm sure you'll absolutely love it!
Thanks for reading,