Y6 Teaching resources

May 21, 2024

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Summer 2b – Migration to the UK/Windrush Passenger

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes one non-chronological report and one recount letter, both focusing on migration and largely […]
April 29, 2024

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Summer 2a – Visit the Galapagos/Waste Water Management

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes one persuasive leaflet and one persuasive recount in the form of a letter. […]
April 16, 2024

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Summer 1c – New species discovered in the Galapagos/Moon landing

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes two newspaper reports, one reporting the discovery of a new animal on the […]
March 1, 2024

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Summer 1a– The Listeners/The Scarecrow

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes two poems by Walter de la Mare. The first poem is about a […]
February 26, 2024

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Spring 2b – A day in the life of a Cardiologist/A day in the life of a Pharaoh

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes two recounts in the format of interviews, one with a cardiologist and one […]
February 20, 2024

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Spring 2a – Imports and Exports of the UK/Biomes of the world

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes two non-chronological reports entitled ‘Imports and Exports of the UK’ and ‘Biomes of […]
February 19, 2024

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Additional Unit – The Circulatory System and the Heart/The Digestive System

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes two non-chronological reports with information on the circulatory system and the digestive system. […]
January 31, 2024

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Additional Unit – Narwhals/Polar Bears

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes non-chronological reports, one focusing on narwhals and the other on polar bears. The […]
January 23, 2024

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Spring 1b – Reginald Joseph Mitchell/World War II

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes non-chronological reports focusing on the extraordinary life of Reginald Mitchell and facts about […]
December 21, 2023

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Additional Unit – Earth’s Geography/Africa

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes non-chronological reports focusing on World Geography. The first non-chronological report, that accompanies the […]
December 6, 2023

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Autumn 2c – A Christmas carol: Marley’s ghost/Bob Cratchit’s house

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes two texts based on different extracts from ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. […]
November 27, 2023

Year 6 Comprehension Crusher Reading Scheme – Additional Unit – Winston Churchill/Tutankhamen

This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes two non-fiction texts. The first text is a non-chronological report of Winston Churchill […]