This comprehension crusher reading scheme pack includes two texts based on the The English Reformation and Boudicca (Romans). The first text, that accompanies the teaching slides, is an interview recount with three key players in the English Reformation: the Pope of the Catholic Church, Thomas Cromwell and King Henry VIII. It has been written to meet the Year 7 expected standard and comes with three sets of comprehension questions (vocabulary, retrieval and summarising). The teaching slides provided, along with the questions sets, allow for in depth practice of each individual question type.
The second model text is also a recount interview, focusing on Boudicca's account of her tribe's revolt on the Romans. This text has been written to meet the Year 7 expected standard and is accompanied by one set of comprehension questions, which includes the three styles of question, previously practised. This provides an ‘unseen’ text and additional questions to practise these same skills independently. The answers to all questions are included.
National curriculum objective:
KS3: Pupils should be taught to understand increasingly challenging texts.
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