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This small world pack encourages children to express themselves through small world characters related to the topic of Christmas. To extend children's thinking take a look at the small world challenge cards.
Children in Reception
Learn new vocabulary (CL)
Use new vocabulary through the day (CL)
Articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences (CL)
Think of the perspectives of others (PSE)
Develop storylines in their pretend play (EAD)
Recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways (UW)
Early Learning Goals
Participate in small group, class and one-to-one discussions, offering their own ideas, using recently introduced vocabulary (CL)
Work and play cooperatively and take turns with others (PSE)
Invent, adapt and recount narratives and stories with peers and their teacher (EAD)
Make use of props and materials when role playing characters in narratives and stories (EAD)
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