Grammarsaurus SOLO Subscription - £49.99 plus vat /year
In this lesson, children begin to sort 2-D shapes whilst comparing similarities and differences between the shapes. They will look closely at the differences between a square and a rectangle to help their understanding of the connection between these shapes. This lesson includes a teaching presentation accompanied by differentiated practical fluency activities and differentiated reasoning and problem-solving challenge cards.
National Curriculum Objectives:
Recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including: 2-D shapes [for example, rectangles (including squares), circles and triangles]; 3-D shapes [for example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres]
Level of this Pack:
Age: 5-6
England & Wales: Year 1
Scotland: Primary 1
Rep. Ireland: Infants
Australia: Kindergarten
USA: Kindergarten
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