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In this lesson, children divide fractions where the numerator is not a multiple of the integer they are dividing by. They will explore the use of equivalent fractions where the numerator is a multiple of the integer. They will draw and divide diagrams to understand the process and make the link between multiplying by a unit fraction and dividing by an integer, spotting the pattern that the numerator stays the same and the denominator is multiplied by the integer. This lesson includes a teaching presentation accompanied by differentiated activities with a range of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions.
National Curriculum Objectives:
Mathematics Year 6:
• solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using decimal notation up to 3 decimal places where appropriate
• use, read, write and convert between standard units, converting measurements of length, mass, volume and time from a smaller unit of measure to a larger unit, and vice versa, using decimal notation to up to 3 decimal places
• convert between miles and kilometres
Level of this Pack:
Age: 10-11
England & Wales: Year 6
Scotland: Primary 6
Rep. Ireland: Fifth Class
Australia: Grade 5
USA: Grade 5...
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